marți, 17 aprilie 2012
Michael Fassbender & Weiland Corp presents: David
Va trebui sa ne obisnuim cu teaserele astea eliberate in cadrul campaniilor de promovare pentru cele mai asteptate filme ale anului. Si n-ar strica sa le urmarim pentru ca fac parte din programul de construire a unei univers complex care in mod clar nu va incapea intr-un singur film, fie el si Prometheus. L-am cunoscut prin intermediul unei fictive conferinte TED pe fondatorul Weyland Corp, Peter Weyland (Guy Pearce), promitand un viitor plin de cuceriri in domeniul roboticii. Acum e randul sa vedem una din creatiile lor: replica umana, David (Michael Fassbender).
I did watch Ridley Scott’s ‘Blade Runner’ funnily enough. There was something in the replicants that I thought was interesting, especially Sean Young’s character. But in terms of the inspirations for the character of David, me and Ridley were discussing things, he wanted me to watch ‘Lawrence of Arabia,’ a film called ‘The Servant’ with Dirk Bogarde, and then I watched ‘The Man Who Fell to Earth’ with David Bowie. I read certain things, watched certain things….when you’re reading the script, certain images or people come to mind. That’s how I approached it from there." (Michael Fassbender)
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