joi, 7 aprilie 2011

Hobo With a Shotgun (2011)

rating: this movie cannot be rated

Despre Hobo with a shotgun nu ar fi de spus decat ca este exact ceea ce se recomanda a fi, un exploitation movie agresiv si sangeros al “conditiei” boschetarului american (jucat convingator de Rutger Hauer). Fara bani sau locuinta, lipsit de familie si cu vise spulberate, esuat intr-o mahala populata de gangsteri inarmati, pusti drogati, curve abuzate, mosi craciuni pedofili si politisti corupti, boschetarul pune mana pe un shotgun si incepe sa faca curat umpland strazile de sange. Doar cineva trebuia sa ia atitudine.. Pentru popularitatea acestui B movie de moda veche (a avut premiera la Sundance Festival) trebuie sa-i multumim intai de toate lui Tarantino si revolutiei grindhouse pe care a starnit-o impreuna cu Rodriguez si apoi lui Jason Eisner, autorul unuia din cele 5 trailere fake care au rulat la premiera Grindhouse. Machete a fost unul din cele cinci si a devenit intre timp film in toata regula (chiar unul epic) iar Hobo with a shotgun e al doilea care vede lumina zilei. Ambele sunt exemplu de “facem filme pentru fani, nu pentru bani”. In spiritul acestei idei, daca nu esti fan b-movie revival sau maniac al sectiunii shock de la TIFF, e clar ca “boschetarul” asta nu merita atentia ta.

Dar totusi sa va ofer cateva ziceri de colectie pe care peste ani sunt sigur ca le voi regasi in topurile celor mai bune/'nebune' 100 de monoloage:

Hobo: [to a group of newborn babies] I used to be like you. A long time ago. All brand new and perfect. No mistakes, no regrets. People look at you and think of how wonderful your future will be. They want you to be something special, like a doctor, or a lawyer. I hate to tell you this, but if you grow up here, you're more likely to wind up selling your bodies on the streets, or shooting dope from dirty needles in a bus stop. And if you're successful, you'll make money selling junk to crackheads. And don't think twice about killing someone's wife, because you won't even know it's wrong in the first place. Or maybe... you'll end up like me. A hobo with a shotgun.

Abby: [to a pitchfork angry mob] Some people got bed to sleep on, where they can crawl under the covers and have a good night's rest. But other people, they don't got beds at all. Instead they gotta find an alleyway, or a park bench where some fucker's not gonna stab them. But just because they don't got beds doesn't mean they're homeless. Cause guess what, they've got the biggest home of any of us. It's called the Streets! And right now, we're all standing in their home, so maybe we should show them some god damn respect. If this is their home, they've got a right to keep it clean, don't they? And sometimes on the streets, a broom just ain't gonna fucking cut it. That's when you gotta get a shotgun!

Daca actiunea e demna de cel mai obscur VHS din tineretea lui Tarantino pe partea vizuala sunt de mentionat cromatica suprasaturata cu lumini de neon (artificiu dealtfel elegant tinand cont ca mahalaua e foarte departe de reclamele luminoase), violenta stilizata si abundenta detaliilor grotesti dar nerealiste (sangele pare suc de portocale). Doua momente sunt demne de inramat. Primul e o scena in care Hobo si Abby (prostituata pe care vrea s-o salveze) tocmai scapa plini din cap pana-n picioare de sange si intestine politienesti si apuca sa-si traga sufletul. Intr-un moment de sinceritate si reflectie Hobo ii zice fetei: “Tot ce-am vrut era o masina de taiat iarba...” La care fata replica: “Serios? tot ce-ai vrut era o masina de taiat iarba?” Abstraact :)) Iar scena a doua o pune pe prostituata in situatia de a-l injunghia pe ala rau cu, atentie, capatul ascutit al osului radius de la propriul sau brat, in prealabil sfartecat de, ghiciti, o masina de taiat iarba... No comment!

6 comentarii:

  1. Werewolf Women of the SS de Rob Zombie
    Don't de Edgar Wright
    Thanksgiving de Eli Roth

    Aici sunt toate cinci:

  2. Mai e și ăsta cumva?
    Where is W

  3. Nu... asta n-are legatura cu Grindhouse-ul lui Tarantino & Rodriguez. Pentru edificare:

    "Fake"-urile de care vb eu sunt facute de regizori celebri just for fun. Singurul facut de un (cvasi)amator era Hobo with a shotgun..


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