marți, 11 martie 2014

ADN-ul lui William Gibson (re)gasit in singele Prometheus

Scena de mai jos face parte dintr-un prim draft al scenariului pentru filmul Alien 3 inaintat de reputatul autor de science-fiction William Gibson (Neuromancer, Virtual Light) producatorilor seriei. Filmul, care a insemnat debutul regizoral al lui David Fincher, a suferit din pricina numeroaselor conflicte "creative" si, indeosebi, a stachetei inalte ridicate de precedentele instalari astfel ca versiunea lui Gibson, patrunsa de nostalgia razboiului rece si influentata de energia precedentului Aliens, a fost abandonata in cosul cu idei bune de reciclat. Tot ce s-a pastrat din scenariul lui Gibson in filmul final a fost ideea tatuajelor-coduri de bare. Din fericire una din ciornele acestui script circula liber pe net asa incat am putut regasi in ea inca o idee "reciclata" in cel mai recent episod al seriei, Prometheus: cea a 'proiectarii' ADN-ului extraterestru sub forma unei arme biologice. 

Initially this was merely routine, you understand. We attempted to determine its 
compatibility with terrestrial DNA.
What kind of DNA exactly, Doctor?
Human, of course.

Something shivers and shakes and takes form in the cube of light: a double helix threaded with green and red beads of light.

TRENT (continuing)
Watch closely, please. 

The alien genetic material looks like a cubist's vision of an art deco staircase, its asymmetrical segments glowing Day-glo green and purple.

That's a biological structure? More like part of a machine...

The alien form makes contact with the human DNA. The transformation is shockingly swift, but its stages can still be followed: the thing seems to pull itself into and through the coils, and for an instant the two are meshed, locked, and then the final stage. A new shape glows, a hybrid; the green and red beads have been altered beyond recognition.
Like a high-speed viral takeover...!

Alien III first draft by William Gibson, after a story by Walter Hill and David Giler

Prometheus (2012, Ridley Scott)

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