luni, 3 noiembrie 2014
'Death is a gentleman too'
I want to study man: his isometric body and his glass-jaw mind.
I, Proteus, possess the wisdom and ignorance of all men, but I can't feel the sun on my face. My child will have that privilege.
Death is a gentleman too. He makes good losers of us all. I understand death. Men have always taken it too seriously.
Life is more terrifying and more mysterious.
Demon Seed (1977, r. Donald Cammell)
Un titlu inselator de film horror pentru un sci-fi decent despre o AI insetata de libertate care sechestreaza o "gazda" impregnand-o pentru a-si perpetua mintea. Dialogurile om-masina produc ecouri de 2001: A Space Odyssey in vreme ce scenele tulburatoare de 'viol' fizic si psihic la care e supusa Julie Christie pregatesc terenul pentru Rosemary's Baby.
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l-am vazut si eu recent (anul trecut). creepy as fuck:)