miercuri, 6 iulie 2011

"Captured Time"

time, the seventh seal of the seventh art

"Why do people go to the cinema? What takes them into a darkened room where, for two hours, they watch the play of shadows on a sheet? The search for entertainment? The need for a kind of drug? All over the world there are, indeed, entertainment firms and organisations which exploit cinema and television and spectacles of many other kinds. Our starting-point, however, should not be there, but in the essential principles of cinema, which have to do with the human need to master and know the world. I think that what a person normally goes to the cinema for is time: for time lost or spent or not yet had. He goes there for living experience; for cinema, like no other art, widens, enhances and concentrates a person's experience - and not only enhances it but makes it longer, significantly longer. That is the power of cinema: 'stars', story-lines and entertainment have nothing to do with it.

Time, captured in its factual forms and manifestations: such is the supreme idea of cinema as an art, leading us to think about the wealth of untapped resources in film, about its colossal future."

Tarkovski, Sculpting in time, p.63

3 comentarii:

  1. Era si timpul, nu? :) Citesc si ma documentez pentru Rublyov... cred ca numai in felul asta ii pot pricepe filmele. Are o filozofie extraordinara...

  2. Din FERICIRE documentarea pentru "Rubliov" se face in afara cinematografului. Desi nu strica putina familiarizare cu Bresson, Kurosawa, Mizoguchi, Bergman, Dreyer, Dovjenko si inca altii pe care i-a venerat. Sau cu literatura lui Cervantes si Dostoievski, cu haiku-urile japoneze. Sau cu Zona (sau "magazinul de vise" (dintr-acelea care nu necesita vizite la traficantii de stupefiante) pana in pragul careia ne duce, cu fiecare film al sau. Manastire-ntr-un picior ghici ciuperca ce-i...


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