vineri, 26 iunie 2009
Avatar va schimba lumea filmului
Stiu ca va tot bat la cap cu filmul asta dar e un lucru absolut necesar. Cei care ati vazut filme pseudo 3D la cinema va amintiti emotia ce ne-a cuprins imediat dupa ce a disparut indemnul cu "puneti-va ochelarii 3D" si apoi senzatia de adancime si perspectiva pe un ecran in care cerul era doar un fundal iar personajele pareau sa iasa din el. Toate astea vor ramane istorie cand James Cameron va da drumul Avatar-ului sau. Nu glumesc si nici nu cred ca exagerez. Acum doua zile a prezentat la Amsterdam un footage de 24 de minute unei audiente selecte (vreo 1000 de oameni din industria de film), adica o serie de scene din primele 2 treimi ale filmului sau, cu cel mai modern sistem de Real 3D. Presupun ca strainii sunt deja foarte familiarizati cu tehnologia si ochelarii astia ca sa se mai "ude" la niste efecte banale. Cu toate astea reactiile de dupa au fost de uimire si extaz. Cititi si voi cateva:
“3-D until now has been used as a gimmick. I’m still feeling the after effects of this jaw-dropping experience… These creatures seem so real, that within minutes you forget you’re watching an enormous and very blue CGI character. Even the eyes are totally convincing. The characters have real personalities and a soul.” ComingSoon
“Avatar will change movie industry forever.” … “It’s nothing you can imagine, it’s real. Cameron made a new planet and took a cam there.” … “THIS WILL CHANGE MOVIES FOREVER. Trust me, it will.”
“The clips were amazing” … “You will NOT believe the detail.” … “The world outside is amazing. It all lives, breathes and works.” … “You will not believe the amount of leaves that look like someone created that jungle for real.” … “Little fireflies and birds fly through the shots without being there. You just take them as the world, like a dove in Central Park. It’s not placed there, it lives there and just happens to be in the shot.” MarketSaw
"This movie will change the industry…Fifty years from now I’ll tell my grandkids I was at this presentation and witnessed it 6 months before the movieworld was changed."
Most wanted
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De cat timp functioneaza "arta" 3D afara, in strainatate?
RăspundețiȘtergereIn cat timp a ajuns la noi? In cat timp va ajunge Avatar?
Nu zic, de-abia astept sa vad efectele, da' nu vreau sa-mi fac sperante desarte. :(
Io vreau un trailer sau ceva!!! Un amărât de poster pe ici colo...
RăspundețiȘtergereMai asteapta oleaca!