vineri, 13 martie 2009
Cine-i vegheaza pe Watchmen?
Avand in vedere ca eu si Luci vedem foarte diferit acest film controversat, unul laudand iar celalalt ingropand, ni s-a facut mila de situatia voastra confuza asa ca va oferim un taste asupra controversei de peste ocean: 6 opinii pro si contra privind acest film, exprimate de critici de film ce scriu in publicatii prestigioase. Delectati-va cu articolele complete; e uimitor cum poti sa vezi atatea lucruri nasoale sau fenomenale in aceeasi scena odata ce te-ai hotarat ca ti-a placut filmul.
Pareri pro
Pareri pro
Chicago Sun-Times Roger Ebert:
...After the revelation of “The Dark Knight,” here is “Watchmen,” another bold exercise in the liberation of the superhero movie. It’s a compelling visceral film — sound, images and characters combined into a decidedly odd visual experience that evokes the feel of a graphic novel. It seems charged from within by its power as a fable; we sense it’s not interested in a plot so much as with the dilemma of functioning in a world losing hope....
...After the revelation of “The Dark Knight,” here is “Watchmen,” another bold exercise in the liberation of the superhero movie. It’s a compelling visceral film — sound, images and characters combined into a decidedly odd visual experience that evokes the feel of a graphic novel. It seems charged from within by its power as a fable; we sense it’s not interested in a plot so much as with the dilemma of functioning in a world losing hope....
New York Post Kyle Smith:
...In an ordinary superhero movie, you'd just be waiting for everyone to snap out of it, climb into the spandex, save the day and bankroll the sequel. But there's so much dread and disgust around "Watchmen" that it isn't clear where it's heading. It's even more serious and political than "The Dark Knight," with the same ambivalence about mythology versus truth, though it doesn't seem to affirm any stance. It drills still deeper than the Batman/Joker core that underlies many of its characters and into questions of God and man...
San Francisco Chronicle Mick LaSalle:
...Director Zack Snyder is beginning to look like the best thing to happen to the action movie in this decade. His previous film, "300," took the battle of Thermopylae and re-created it, combining stylized visuals with a feeling for history, culture and character. His new picture, "Watchmen," follows in the same vein, but goes deeper, achieving a psychological sophistication that "The Dark Knight" aimed for but didn't quite reach...
...In an ordinary superhero movie, you'd just be waiting for everyone to snap out of it, climb into the spandex, save the day and bankroll the sequel. But there's so much dread and disgust around "Watchmen" that it isn't clear where it's heading. It's even more serious and political than "The Dark Knight," with the same ambivalence about mythology versus truth, though it doesn't seem to affirm any stance. It drills still deeper than the Batman/Joker core that underlies many of its characters and into questions of God and man...
San Francisco Chronicle Mick LaSalle:
...Director Zack Snyder is beginning to look like the best thing to happen to the action movie in this decade. His previous film, "300," took the battle of Thermopylae and re-created it, combining stylized visuals with a feeling for history, culture and character. His new picture, "Watchmen," follows in the same vein, but goes deeper, achieving a psychological sophistication that "The Dark Knight" aimed for but didn't quite reach...
Pareri contra
...As stimulating as it was to see the superhero movie enter the realm of crime fiction in "The Dark Knight," "Watchmen" enters into a realm that is both nihilistic and campy. The two make odd companions. The film, directed by Zack Snyder ("300"), will test the limits of superhero movie fans. If you're not already invested in these characters because of the original graphic novel by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, nothing this movie does is likely to change that predicament.[...]The film seems to take pride in its darkness, but this is just another failed special effect...
...The problem is that Snyder, following Moore, is so insanely aroused by the look of vengeance, and by the stylized application of physical power, that the film ends up twice as fascistic as the forces it wishes to lampoon. The result is perfectly calibrated for its target group: nobody over twenty-five could take any joy from the savagery that is fleshed out onscreen, just as nobody under eighteen should be allowed to witness it...
...How could Watchmen not be dead on the screen? It is, at least, an awe-inspiring corpse: huge, noisy, gaseously distended by its own dystopia. The martial-arts action scenes are full of CGI slooooow motion capped with hyperfast smash-and-splatter. Fanboys will be pleased that the characters appear to have leaped from the page, while the novel’s (dis)order of events has been meticulously preserved...
Acum, mergeti si vedeti filmu apoi decideti daca si ce v-a placut!
Acum, mergeti si vedeti filmu apoi decideti daca si ce v-a placut!
Made in Hollywood,
Presa de film
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